Case Studies

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Lucy Therapeutics

News Engine Reinforcing the Value Proposition of Lucy Therapeutics

Media Relations

Lucy Therapeutics needed to establish itself as a pioneer in mitochondrial - based therapies for CNS disorders, especially in preparation for Series B funding. This relatively new space was crowded, with dozens of companies jockeying for position. To stand apart, the company needed to create a meaningful, engaging dialogue with the right audiences

Media Relations


  • On the heels of our meaningful narrative that defined Lucy Therapeutics and its approach,we reinforced the company’s value proposition via a thoughtful news engine to educate reporters
  • Leveraged a drumbeat of inflection points, from financial updates and data milestones to CSO and CBO new hires, through a calendar of ongoing media updates that carved out specific angles for different reporters and outlets
  • Scheduled backgrounding interviews with key media about Lucy’s therapies/approach to position the company as a leader in the space with the potential to change the treatment paradigm


  • Drove original coverage of the CSO new hire announcement in 26 publications including NewsNow UK, BioWorld,, CityBiz, Pharmaceutical Daily, FirstWord Pharma, Medtech Alert and others
  • Earned media coverage of the announcement includes 3,419 total views, 512 multimedia views and 36 syndicated publications, as well as 1,070 impressions and 898 engagements on LinkedIn
  • Original coverage of the CBO new hire announcement includes BioSpace, STAT, BioCentury, Endpoints and Fiercebiotech

"I was first introduced to Robyn and the RJC team when I put out a call for a healthcare PR agency to help build and execute a communications strategy for my series A biotech startup. While I got several responses and had many great conversations, what stood out about RJC was that they showed up as strategic partners at the very first conversation -- counseling us on how to best spend our limited PR resources, even what to look for in an agency had we decided not to go with them. Thankfully, we did. Since then, Robyn and her talented team of experts have continued to impress me with their storytelling and messaging prowess, thoughtful partnership, and impactful results. We love working with RJC!"

Amy Ripka, CEO & Founder, Lucy Therapeutics

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